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Brackenhurst dog show 2nd May

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Brackenhurst dog show 2nd May Empty Brackenhurst dog show 2nd May

Post  Paris Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:06 am

Hiya all
Brackenhurst University is holding a companion dog show under KC Licence on the 2nd May 2010
We have pedigree, novelty and even special cross breed classes. Come along we have lots of rosettes to be won.

Sunday May 2nd 2010, Entry – 10am, Judging Commences 11am
Brackenhurst Campus, Southwell
Class Schedule
Judge Julie Squire
1. Any Variety Puppy
2. Any Variety Sporting Sponsored by The crown
3. Any Variety Non-Sporting Sponsored by The Crown
4. Any Variety Open
5. Any Variety Veteran
6. Best Crossbreed
7. Junior Handling (under 10s)
8. Junior Handling (10-16)
9. Any Companion Dog Show Club Member

Best in Show & Reserve Best in Show Sponsored by The Pet Store
Best Puppy in Show
Best Veteran in Show
Best Crossbreed in Show
Best Junior Handler

No CC, RCC or Junior Warrant winners

Judge Nikki Ruedisueli RVN
10. Prettiest Bitch
10. Handsome Dog
11. Best Condition
12. Best Fancy Dress
13. Dog with the Waggiest Tail
14. Dog Judge Would Most Like to Take Home
15. Best 6 Legs
16. Best Trick sponsored by Wendy Hill Dog Training
17. Best Rescue sponsored by Wendy Hill Dog Training

Best Novelty in Show

Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2009-07-24

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