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Post  Admin Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:12 am

All forums are post moderated; however, this dialogue is a cooperative endeavor. To maintain an environment conducive to quality, please agree to the following few basic guidelines and requests before using this system:

By using this messaging system, you agree to abide by the following simple common sense rules:

1} You certify that you are 13 years of age or over. All those individuals under 13 years of age will need a full release form from their parents before posting any messages. This is in compliance with the Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act of 2000 (COPPA).
2} Nicknames that we feel are inflammatory, vulgar, promotional, or rude will be removed.
3} All groups are moderated for foul language and commercialized promotional posts.
4} Always be respectful of other users, the system, and the moderators. We put the system online in good faith, please use it in good faith.
5} Be descriptive, specific, and succinct in your postings. This way your opinion and point is clearly understood and referenced.
6} Because your posting may be more pertinent to another on going discussion, or it might spawn its own thread, it may be moved as Yew Tree Canine Society sees fit.
7} Links to adult content, pages with links to adult content, near adult content (including model and swimsuit sites), or messages describing anything against the law will be removed as soon as possible. Any discussion of those are off topic.
Email excerpts of ANY type or length are not allowed on Yew Tree's Forum Site. There are no exceptions to this rule.
8} No press releases, newsletters, web pages, or copyrighted content may be inserted into our forum posts. Minor fair use excerpts of less than one paragraph (4 sentences) may be used if the content is publically available on the internet. All other forms of inserted content from press releases, newsletters, web pages, or any other copyrighted content placed into messages will be removed without exception. A link to the content is acceptable and appropriate.
9} Periodically the Moderators of Yew Tree Canine will post his or her comments, but they may not necessarily reflect the opinions of Yew Tree Canine, or its committee.
10} This forum system is not a venue for personal or private vendetta's. Keep your personal business as just that - personal. This forum is not a venue for the resolution of personal disputes with members or companies.
11} Please do not drop promotional urls, signature files, nor specifics that would lead people to your site. Signing your name is fine, however commercialized posts or resume signatures will be edited. We tend to err on the side of caution to protect the integrity of the system. Affiliate based URLs are not allowed anywhere on the system.
12} Please keep your language clean and decent. This include personal inflammatory language as well as obscenities.
13} Any on site private discussions (StickyMail) with moderators or administrators related to board policy or actions may be shared with administrators if we feel it is necessary.
14} Please stay within the topic area of the forum you are posting a message in, and within any topic that another poster may have started.
15} You agree not to hold Yew Tree Canine Society or its members liable for anything stated within the forums.
16} Signing up a user name that is an obvious domain name or product name will be removed. This is out of unfair promotion considerations as well as trademark implications.
17} Since this forum site is interactive, and everyone who participates in Yew Tree Canine Society is "in it together", please treat others the way you wish to be treated. One way to guard against misunderstandings is to read over your response before you post it. Personal attacks are not allowed or tolerated. Should anyone use inappropriate language, start a personal attack, or engage in hate speech, they will be barred from all further discussions.
18} The forums are not a venue for advertisements in any way. It will be the sole discretion of Yew Tree Canine Society and its moderators as to what constitutes an advertisement.
19} We do not allow review my site posts. It is impossible to deduce which posts are honest requests and which are promotional.
20} You are responsible for your own posts and agree not to hold Yew Tree Canine Society liable for any messages posted.
21} You will not copy and retransmit any information out of these forums without first getting the permission of the original author of the message and a Yew Tree Canine administrator.
22} Discussions about moderator or administrator actions are welcome in email or local private messages, but should not be discussed in public forums. This is out of respect for the members and moderators or policy involved.
23} Self promotional URL drops and whisper campaigns are strictly forbidden within the forums and will be edited out.
24} Claims of action and calls to action against any company or person will be removed.
25} Messages posted at this site are the sole opinion and responsibility of the poster.
26} Personal exposure. Anyone posting another members personal details or web site details without permission will be banned.
27} When a message is placed in any forum system, you are granting a soft license to the site to use it.

For our part we will do our best to protect your privacy and respect your posts. We will not edit or otherwise misrepresent what you write without cause.

We reserve the right to edit any and all content that has been placed on Yew Tree Canine Society.
We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Service from time to time without notice and are retro active.

Thank you for reading our rules


Last edited by Admin on Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:19 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wording addition)

Male Number of posts : 233
Location : Nottinghamshire
Registration date : 2008-05-15


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