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help in the community

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help in the community Empty help in the community

Post  Admin Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:01 am

Pets As Therapy (P.A.T) dogs play a vital role in our community especially for the elderly residents in homes where pets are not allowed. It is important to these residents to enjoy once again, the companionship of playing, patting and saying "hello" to these special dogs and other pets which they so dearly miss.
People recovering in hospital also enjoy a visit from these special dogs
I know some of our members already have PAT dogs but if you wish to know more information on how to train your dog or what requirements are needed, then please discuss it on here and visit this link to the PAT website.......
Pets As Therapy (P.A.T ) Website

A wonderful job is done by these volunteers and their dogs which is celebrating it 25th Anniversary this year.

Best Wishes

Team Admin

Male Number of posts : 233
Location : Nottinghamshire
Registration date : 2008-05-15


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