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Yew Tree Canine Society Forum

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Yew Tree Canine Society Forum Empty Yew Tree Canine Society Forum

Post  Admin Mon May 26, 2008 4:09 pm

A warm welcome to you all from all of us here at Yew Tree Canine, be you a member or not i hope you will enjoy visiting us at our Website and then chatting to us here on our forum. Please feel free to leave us a message in any of our forums and join in on any of the discussions taking place. We will be adding a chat box at a later date so keep your eye out for that. Photos are always appreciated so please keep them small and you never know they could end up on our website (with your permission of course).
Please remember to abide by the forums rules at all times.

I hope you enjoy your time with us

Best Wishes

Admin Team - Paul & Yvonne

Male Number of posts : 233
Location : Nottinghamshire
Registration date : 2008-05-15


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